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El Blog de la Franquicia

Franchise International development

Why go International With your franchise? .According to my friends ( and possible partners in USA), Edwards Global Consulting There are many reasons to consider expanding your geographic extent of your brand to other countries: Increase brand and shareholder value, adds new revenue sources, reduce dependence on your home market, Leverage your existing technology, knowledge and intelectual Property,makes you gain competitive positions by importing innovation, and an international image that increase your notoriety.

Actually the most important thing is a strong commitment of your company «to go International».

Deciding where to go based on Internet leads, phone calls, or amazing opportunities is exactlly the right way…to fail.

You should wonder if you are ready to go International? That is to say:

  • How many resources should I put in that bag ?
  • Which services Should I provide to my International partner?
  • How much does it cost?
  • Do I have an International Budget?
  • Do I know where are my «best» countries?
  • Do I know where, why, when and with whom should I plan my International development?
  • am I prepared for cultural challenges in the new markets?

All these are only some of the questions, you probably need more, but it is a good start. If you have the answers, keep going,go ahead, otherwise, please don ´t do it. An International crash is a big crash…don ´t do it. Please only go international in case you are prepared to go International.It is not a question of courage.It is a question of planning.


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